
The anthelmintic activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Morinda citrifolia fruit (noni) was evaluated in chicken naturally infected by Ascaridia galli. The anthelmintic activity in vitro was determined in adult parasites. The aqueous and ethanolic extracts were used in the following concentrations: 1.69; 3.37; 6.74; 13.48 e 26.96 mg.mL(-1) and 4.17; 8.34; 16.68; 33.36 and 66.72 mg.mL(-1), respectively. The anthelmintic activity in vivo was determined by the administration of 10 mL.kg(-1) of the aqueous (50.1 mg.mL(-1)) and ethanolic (24.6 mg.mL(-1)) extracts during three consecutive days. Later the chickens were euthanized and necropsy was performed in order to count the remaining helminths. The data were analyzed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test. In the concentrations of 13.48 and 26.96 mg.mL(-1), the aqueous extract demonstrated mortality of 46.67 and 50%, respectively, there was a significative difference from the negative control (P < 0.05). The ethanolic extract presented statistical difference from the negative control (diluent) (P < 0.05) for the concentrations of 33.36 and 66.72 mg.mL(-1), expressed by a mortality rate of 66.67 and 76.67%, respectively. In the in vivo test, the aqueous extract of noni fruit showed 27.08% of elimination, deferring statistically from the control group. There was no statistical difference between the ethanolic extract treatments and the control (P > 0.05). It follows that the anthelmintic activity of noni fruit test showed satisfactory results in vitro, there is a need for studies in higher concentrations in the in vivo test.


  • As plantas medicinais são importantes por fornecerem matéria-prima para a síntese de drogas, além de serem utilizadas como agentes terapêuticos

  • The anthelmintic activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Morinda citrifolia fruit was evaluated in chicken naturally infected by Ascaridia galli

  • The aqueous and ethanolic extracts were used in the following concentrations: 1.69; 3.37; 6.74; 13.48 e 26.96 mg.mL–1 and 4.17; 8.34; 16.68; 33.36 and 66.72 mg.mL–1, respectively

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Matéria vegetal

Os frutos da planta M. citrifolia foram coletados no município de Altos, Estado do Piauí, à latitude de 05° 02’ 20” S, longitude de 42° 27’ 39” O e a 187 m de altitude, a 42 km ao nordeste de Teresina. A precipitação média anual do município é em torno de 1.297 mm, sendo que cerca de 90% das chuvas concentram-se no período de novembro a maio. A temperatura média anual está em torno de 25 °C e a umidade relativa de 67%. A identificação botânica foi realizada no Núcleo de Referência em Ciências Ambientais do Trópico Ecotonal do Nordeste – TROPEN, Teresina - PI, sendo a exsicata depositada sob o número 21.644 no herbário Graziela Barroso. Os frutos foram picados, dessecados em estufa de circulação forçada de ar, durante 8 dias, a uma temperatura máxima de 45 °C (± 1). O material foi triturado em moinho, tipo Willis, obtendo-se um pó que foi acondicionado em um frasco de vidro âmbar hermeticamente fechado e identificado, onde permaneceu até o momento do preparo dos extratos

Preparação dos extratos
Determinação do peso seco
Manutenção das aves
Atividade anti-helmíntica “in vitro”
Atividade anti-helmíntica “in vivo”
Análise estatística
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