
Health care is important for the transitions of people with trans life experiences and to strengthen the processes of health and disease. Health professionals are educating and accompanying agents; however, the literature frequently reports that there are barriers perceived by professionals regarding their competencies to accompany such processes, in addition to others related to social representations regarding trans identities, the limited scientific evidence regarding the processes of gender reaffirmation and representing the communities themselves according to their historical and sociocultural characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of scientific articles published during 15 years regarding health care for trans persons in Latin America and the Caribbean. A systematized review of articles published in four databases between 2005 and 2020 was carried out. 20 studies were analyzed in the research. Most of them report the perceptions of trans communities and, less frequently, the experiences of health professionals on health care. The results allow the identification of barriers that influence the processes of care and the challenges to improve it. The deficient and insufficient training of professionals on trans identities and differential and affirmative gender approaches stand out, as well as the need to strengthen comprehensive approaches among the academic and health communities and the generation of trans affirmative public policies. On the other hand, the results evidence a construction of science with respect to gender that is cisnormative and invisibilizes gender diversities. In addition, many of the studies establish vertical relationships between participants, including researchers, which generates research dynamics in which trans communities are considered more as informants and less as expert peers, community researchers or participants in a collaborative and co-creative research process. These findings support the need and renew the urgency to generate processes of knowledge construction with and for trans communities that allow nurturing educational, social, public policy and health spaces that represent their needs for gender transitions, in case the person considers so, and that welcome in an integral and humanized way the processes of health and disease. Research on health and health care in trans communities both in Colombia and in the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean does not show the implementation of health policies focused on the community and that respond to their health needs. Health professionals, around the world, should accompany from care actions focused on the processes of self-identification and self-determination of gender. Being recognized and made visible based on gender identities and expressions has a positive impact on the mental health of trans people and their well-being. In professional practice, it is important and essential to overcome the barriers of social inequality, promoting a critical social vision and understanding of the reality of this population. It is necessary to expand research from gender diversities and separate from the LGBTIQ+ umbrella given the complex social, cultural, biological, and psychological diversities faced by each community. As for health professionals, it is necessary to deepen the measurement and understanding of attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, skills and gaps identified by all staff, from doctors and nurses to institution managers. This in order to articulate and triangulate information and develop intervention programs aimed at comprehensive and accessible care, especially for their reports about the little information on sexual and gender diversity received during their professional training process and organizational culture. Finally, each country should develop clinical guidelines based on local, national, and international evidence that responds to the psychological and sociocultural needs and experiences of trans communities that include the process of gender transitions from hormone therapy, affirmative surgeries and other non-binary processes of gender expressions, family, psychosocial support, and community accompaniment. https://doi.org/10.16888/interd.2023.40.1.4

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