
It ought to be universally acknowledged that astroscience education on the African continent is somewhat lacking, if not non-existent in many places. A fact recognised and accepted since 2015, by the members of the Network of Researchers on the Chemical Emergence of Life (NoRCEL). We have also discerned in recent years, with the help of our ASEN team members, that young African science students, armed with the latest smartphones, are well aware that decent careers in this field of science are being forged elsewhere in the developed nations. Our research also indicates that these same young Africans are willing to seek to construct their futures in these “frontiers of science” arenas; but are there any opportunities, let alone equal ones, available to those who wish to do so? Development of scientific capacity and related skills need to go hand in hand with opportunities to make good use of it. While Africa is one of the places most in need of home-grown talent, those who could make a positive difference for their country frequently fail to see an adequate future there, and consequently seek employment outside the African continent, with such a “brain drain” ultimately compromising its future. Therefore, there is a need to be proactive in building both comparative education and career paths, or otherwise these young scientists end up caught between “Does an astroscience qualification give me decent prospects?” and “Why should I stay here if the only bright future I can see is to be found elsewhere?” Given half a chance of a high value, quality education, young African students should be less inclined to look for pastures new in already developed economies. This poster aims to demonstrate that currently, the opportunities to study any astroscience subjects are few and far between in Sub-Saharan Africa and also that prospects for employment are equally scarce, with the objective of highlighting both these and their associated dilemmas.

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