
Aim. To assess the prevalence of polymorphism of the gene AGT and its relation with systemic hypertension risk in the ethnicities of Gornaya Shoria (Mountain Shoria). Material and methods . A clinical-epidemiological study conducted, of compactly inhabiting people of uneasily reachable areas of Gornaya Shoria (settlements Orton, Ust-Kabyrza) and city-like settlement Sheregesh. Based on the name lists, 1178 inhabitants included from the settlements. In 398 persons, blood was collected from cubital vein, fasting, in the morning for genotyping. Extraction of DNA from the blood was done with phenol-chloroform method. Polymorphism of AGT (М235Т, rs699) gene was tested with PCR. Results. In general, in both ethnicities, the prevalence of AGT did not differ significantly. However, among men there was national specifics found for the C/C genotype: in the Shortsy group its prevalence (27,8%) was higher comparing to non-native inhabitants (10,3%). In shortsy male cohort the carriers of T/C had odds ratio for glucose metabolism and arterial hypertension at 2,45 and 2,21, respectively; in females with C/C carriage the risk of dyslipidemia was 3,37. Among females of non-native nationality there were associations found for T/T genotype with hypercholesterolemia. The odds ratio for higher cholesterol among homozygotes T-allele was 4,3 times higher comparing to T/C and C/C. Conclusion. Regardless the absence of differences in genotypes prevalences of AGT, there were differences revealed of the association of risk factors of arterial hypertension according to ethnicity. In shortsy cohort the C/C genotype was associated with hyperbetacholesterolemia and dyslipidemia, and genotype T/C — with glucose metabolism. In non-native cohort T/T genotype was associated with dyslipidemia.


  • Среди респондентов с нарушениями липидного обмена статистически значимо преобладал генотип Т/Т в локусе гs699 гена AGT по сравнению с лицами без них: 42,1% против 17,4% (ОШ =4,18; 95% доверительным интервалом (ДИ) (1,28-13,68), р=0,030)

  • Заключение Анализ распространенности генотипов гена AGT установил этнические особенности в отношении генотипа С/С среди мужчин: в группе шорцев его частота была выше по сравнению с некоренными представителями

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И 83,1±1,4 мм рт.ст.) по сравнению с лицами, Средние значения факторов риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и АД в зависимости от генотипов гена AGT в обеих этнических группах В когорте коренного этноса частота гомозиготного генотипа С/С у пациентов с гипербетахолестеринемией составила 33,0%, у обследованных с целевым уровнем ХС-ЛНП — 21,0% (р=0,047).

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