
Background and Objective: Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphism (eNOS) is one of three isoforms that synthesize nitric oxide (NO), that participates in several biological processes have been associated with obesity. This study was undertaken to determine if eNOS gene (T786C) and 27bp (4b/4a) were associated with susceptibility of obesity.
 Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on 200 cases divided into 100 obese patient and 100 healthy as control. The mean age cases was (27.02 ± 10.90) they include 79 female and 21 males. All participants were subjected to an estimation of their body mass index (BMI), weight hip ratio (WHR), in addition to random blood sugar (RBS), total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), and lactate dehydrogenase enzyme (LDH). DNA was amplified using PCR-SSP for detection of relation between polymorphism and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene in two parts T786C and 27bp (4b/4a).
 Results: All cases showed that there were significant difference between cases and controls regarding to their chemical lab’s analysis (TG, Cholesterol, LDL and HDL).All cases showed significant frequency of T786C TT, CC, TC vs. controls (p<0.001) these was considered risk factor for disease. On the other hand there no significant difference between 27bp aa, bb, and ab (p=0.618) vs. controls.
 Conclusion: The polymorphism T786C not the 27bp in eNOS was associated with obesity.

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