
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is an immunological disease, in which the immune-mediated destruction of erythrocytes occurs, leading to a prominent drop in globular volume (GV). The diagnosis of the disease must be made through the association of clinical manifestations with specific complementary exams, with therapy aimed at inhibiting intravascular hemolysis in the control of GV. The present study aims to report the therapeutic association of prednisone and azathioprine in the control of IMHA in two dogs, demonstrating its evolution and the clinical effects of the pharmacological association. At the Veterinary Hospital of UNIMAR, a canine, female, Blue Heeler breed, seven years old and a canine, male, Border Collie breed, seven months old, both showing apathy, hyporexia, progressive weight loss, regenerative anemia, leukocytosis, and test of positive saline autoagglutination. After IMHA was diagnosed, polytherapy with prednisone (2mg/kg/SID) associated with azathioprine (2/mg/kg/SID) was instituted. Initially, the first animal showed liver damage due to the side effects of the drugs. As for the control of IMHA, the two animals described showed improvement and stabilization of the clinical and hematological condition after the association, making it possible to reduce the dosages of both drugs without worsening the conditions and ceasing the side effects caused by the chronic use of the drugs. Through this report it is possible to conclude that the use of the therapeutic combination of prednisone and azathioprine for the control of IMHA has greater benefits, being possible to use lower doses of both drugs, reducing their side effects and, consequently, resulting in a better survival.

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