
The folding pathways of multi-domain proteins are still poorly understood due to the complexity of the reaction involving domain folding, association and, in many cases, prolyl cis/transisomerization. Here, we have established a kinetic model for the folding of the Fab fragment of the antibody MAK 33 with intact disulfide bonds. Folding of the hetero-dimeric protein from the completely denatured, oxidized state comprises the pairwise association of the two domains of each chain with those of the partner protein. Both the reactivation of the Fab fragment in which the two constituent polypeptide chains were covalently linked viaa cystine bond (Fab) and that of a mutant lacking this covalent linkage (Fab/-cys) were monitored by ELISA. Folding of the Fab fragment is a slow process, which can be described by a single exponential term. The kinetic phase reflects a folding step after the association of the two chains. The same reaction was detected in the folding of Fab/-cys but an additional rate-limiting step is involved that is due to a unimolecular step in the folding of the isolated light chain. This implies that, during Fab reactivation, Fd associates with the light chain at the stage of an earlier folding intermediate, thus eliminating the additional slow folding step of the light chain observed with Fab/-cys. Both in Fab and Fab/-cys renaturation, the folding reaction after association is determined by prolyl isomerization. Therefore, at least four different association-competent folding intermediates have to be postulated according to the folding stage of light chain and the configuration of at least one prolyl-peptide bond. Using the different substrate specificities of cyclophilin and FK506 binding protein, we have obtained evidence that Pro159 within the Fd fragment may be responsible for the observed slow folding phase after association, although three other proline residues adopt a cisconfiguration in the native protein. Furthermore, the data suggest that in the case of the Fab fragment, association is a prerequisite for cis/transisomerization of prolyl peptide bonds, implying that the quaternary but not the tertiary structure determines the cis-configuration of the prolyl residue in Fd involved in the rate-limiting folding reaction.

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