
This paper includes a discussion of the validity of theobjections which are usuallyraised against the physical plausibility of the correlationsbetween extraterrestrialphenomena and changes in circulation in the lower atmosphere.The behaviour of the winterlower troposphere in the Northern Hemisphere was analysed bothon a month-to-month timescale and on a day-to-day time scale. The mechanisms which cansatisfactorily explainthe behaviour of the winter lower troposphere on these timescales have been described.The basic features of the results presented were explained bymeans of a mechanism basedon the propagation of planetary waves. Attention was focussedon studying the connectionsamong the changes in the pressure and temperature fields, thechanges in solar/geomagnetic activity and QBO phases by the method of composites. It hasbeen found that the compositeswithout considering QBO phases are similar to the QBO-eastpatterns under the highestactivities. Pressure deviations during QBO-west high solaractivity or low geomagneticactivity and temperature deviations during QBO-east/west lowgeomagnetic activity provedto be of negligible statistical significance.

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