
This paper presents the results of a detailed geological survey of the middle and upper parts of Itarare Subgroup, in Tiete region, northeast part of Parana Basin. The upper part of Itarare. Subgroup is characterized by four lithologic associations: I conglomeratic sandstone, shale, limestone, coal and fluvial diamictite ; II diamictite, rhythmite and glacial sandstone; III sandstone and siltstone of littoral and deltaic origin; IV mudstone, muddly sandstone, rhythmite of deeper and calm water submitted to turbidity current process. These associations are discriminated by proper sedimentary structures, although being interfingered. The associations I and II represent the advance of the continental fluvial (I) and platform (III) sedimentation, over a golf like marine yrater body with basin deposits of calm water and turbidity current (IV). The association II represent the glacial deposits that were locally reworked by marine and fluvial waters.

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