
Abstract. Snow water equivalent (SWE), as one of the land initial or boundary conditions, plays a crucial role in global or regional energy and water balance, thereby exerting a considerable impact on seasonal and subseasonal-scale predictions owing to its enduring persistence over 1 to 2 months. Despite its importance, most SWE initialization remains challenging due to its reliance on simple approaches based on spatially limited observations. Therefore, this study developed an advanced SWE data assimilation framework with satellite remote sensing data utilizing the local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF) and the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) land model. This approach constitutes an objective method that optimally combines two previously unattempted incomplete data sources: the satellite SWE retrieval from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) and dynamically balanced SWE from the JULES land surface model. In this framework, an algorithm is additionally considered to determine the assimilation process based on the presence or absence of snow cover from the Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) satellite, renowned for its superior reliability. The baseline model simulation from JULES without satellite data assimilation shows better performance in high-latitude regions with heavy snow accumulation but is relatively inferior in the transition regions with less snow and high spatial and temporal variation. Contrastingly, the AMSR2 satellite data exhibit better performance in the transition regions but poorer performance in the high latitudes, presumably due to the limitation of the satellite data in the penetrating depth. The data assimilation (DA) demonstrates the positive impacts by reducing uncertainty in the JULES model simulations in most areas, particularly in the midlatitude transition regions. In the transition regions, the model background errors from the ensemble runs are significantly larger than the observation errors, emphasizing great uncertainty in the model simulations. The results of this study highlight the beneficial impact of data assimilation by effectively combining land surface model and satellite-derived data according to their relative uncertainty, thereby controlling not only transitional regions but also the regions with heavy snow accumulation that are difficult to detect by satellite.

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