
AbstractThe recently launched Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite “R-series” (GOES-R) satellites carry the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) that measures from space the total lightning rate in convective storms at high spatial and temporal frequencies. This study assimilates, for the first time, real GLM total lightning data in an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) framework. The lightning flash extent density (FED) products at 10-km pixel resolution are assimilated. The capabilities to assimilate GLM FED data are first implemented into the GSI-based EnKF data assimilation (DA) system and tested with a mesoscale convective system (MCS). FED observation operators based on graupel mass or graupel volume are used. The operators are first tuned through sensitivity experiments to determine an optimal multiplying factor to the operator, before being used in FED DA experiments FEDM and FEDV that use the graupel-mass or graupel-volume-based operator, respectively. Their results are compared to a control experiment (CTRL) that does not assimilate any FED data. Overall, both DA experiments outperform CTRL in terms of the analyses and short-term forecasts of FED and composite/3D reflectivity. The assimilation of FED is primarily effective in regions of deep moist convection, which helps improve short-term forecasts of convective threats, including heavy precipitation and lightning. Direct adjustments to graupel mass via observation operator as well as adjustments to other model state variables through flow-dependent ensemble cross covariance within EnKF are shown to work together to generate model-consistent analyses and overall improved forecasts.

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