
One of the challenges in asset management is the integration of asset categories in the decision-making process. Asset management frameworks provide a structure to manage separate categories, and integration is assumed through database design. “Silo” management systems such as pavement and bridge management systems have parallel components that include all major elements of the classic asset management system, yet there is no integration of the results of each component system at the decision-making or expert system stage of the process. Senior decision makers are presented with the outputs of each component system and can clearly see the top priorities for each asset category; however, there is no mechanism for producing a single program list that has been developed with cross-optimization techniques. Trying to establish a multiyear priority program is difficult because of the number of asset categories, the different performance models used by each asset, and the challenges of multilevel optimization. This paper explores the links between silo systems and proposes an integration mechanism for cross optimization that recognizes the unique characteristics of individual asset categories.

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