
The progress of science and technology is the major areas where society comes up for essential means of solving problems, adaptability to the environment and bring civilization by developing the necessary knowledge, ability skill and attitude. Mathematics education is then the basis of all field of sciences be it social or natural science. Hence teaching Mathematics at high school levels should be given due emphasis so that students could easily manage their further studies in different fields of higher education institutions and further contribute towards the development of the society/country. This cross sectional study, assessing the impact of plasma television implementation on the teaching learning process of mathematics class was assumed significant as the curriculum of education is being made a shift towards active and participatory learning; since the current natural need is to implement active learning in every class activities not only in secondary schools but also in higher learning institutions. Hence supporting this new teaching aid; plasma TV by designing appropriate methodology inevitably essential and hence strong contribution to the country at large. Consequently, the study was focused on the selected high schools around Jimma University centers for practicum training. Mathematics school teachers, and students at different grade levels were the subjects for this study. The data were collected using self administered questionnaire directed to students and mathematics teachers, and randomly selected class observations of mathematics classes from May to June 2005, and the report completed on June 2006. As the result indicated, the plasma TV was found strong support of active learning in mathematics classes at high schools with all its odds and cones; specially uniform lessons and contents through out the country, and supplement the laboratory activities bringing the rural areas closer to same level of the urban. On the other hand, introducing TV lessons in high schools created several new implementation problems like lack of coordination with the teacher, fast to understand, inappropriate planning of the lessons, inefficient utilization of the technology, misunderstanding as if the plasma TV present the lessons independently by it self with out the involvement of the teacher and the like which need adjustment some how. Thus in this study it is recommended that; effective planning of the TV lessons and maximum utilization of the technology must be designed and implemented; the teacher must work hard in his or her lesson plan to go hand in hand with the TV support and make delivery active and interesting. For this, the teacher training institutions like Education Faculties must change their methodological courses accordingly. Besides awareness and refresher short training programs must be designed to school teachers and even to the student population at large to avoid frustration. Ethiopian Journal of Education and Science Vol. 2 (1) 2006: pp. 85-127

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