
<span>Basic Health Research stated that the prevalence of schizophrenia in the Indonesian population in 2018 showed schizophrenia was </span><span lang="IN">seven</span><span> per mile</span><span lang="IN">;</span><span> previously only 1.7 permil. The aim of the study was to explain the stress reaction and experience of families who have people with schizophrenia post-restrain. The Methods<strong><em> </em></strong>A total of 135 families who have people with schizophrenia post-restrain October to December 2018. This research</span><span lang="IN"> was</span><span> Mix Method</span><span lang="IN"> employed </span><span>Sequential Explanatory design. the research instrument used was The Kempe Family Stress Inventory</span><span lang="IN"> (KFSI)</span><span> and using in-depth interview. The results of the study illustrated that the total mean score of a stress reaction in families normal was 43.48 (<em>S.D</em>=5.6)</span><span lang="IN">,</span><span lang="IN">m</span><span>ild was 34.33 (<em>S.D</em>=4.7)</span><span lang="IN"> while</span><span lang="IN">s</span><span>evere was 56.45 (<em>S.D</em>=4.45). The psychological burden was expressed by families in the form of fear and worry. </span><span lang="IN">T</span><span>he results showed a reaction to high stress and family experience lacking in self-care of people with post-restrain mental disorders.</span>

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