
Аnalyzes publications on risk management at an enterprise and the need to create or improve an enterprise management mechanism by introducing a risk management mechanism. The efficiency of the functioning of the risk management system of a private company with foreign investments of the Dnipropetrovsk Oil Extraction Plant (PJSC II "DMEZ") was assessed. analysis of NPV in general for all areas of the enterprise's activities, taking into account its change depending on the functioning of the mechanism of innovative risk management.In the event of a negative value of Y, which indicates the insufficient effectiveness of risk management measures of Ukrainian processing enterprises, enterprises should carefully analyze the risk assessment systems in order to improve the accuracy of risk assessment and the cost of implementing risk management measures, optimize the costs of financing the system of management measures risks, enterprises should use well-known risk management tools more effectively, enterprises should monitor risk management measures once a month, adjust and control the reliability of risk assessment and the cost of implementing risk management measures, financial and investment types of risk that have more attractive conditions alternative investment should be insured with insurance companies. As an approbation of the above methodological approach to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the mechanism of innovative risk management based on the use of the NPV factor, the corresponding calculations were performed according to formulas (5) - (12) for eleven analyzed processing enterprises of the fat and oil industry in Ukraine. It is concluded that the introduction of an innovative risk management mechanism can lead to a decrease in the integral risk by 2-3%.

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