
This article gives an assessment of the international criteria for the sustainable management of forests on the basis of indicators according to the International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests). The given program allows us to assess Criterion 2: Maintenance of Forest Health and Vitality and Criterion 4: Conservation and Improvement of the Biological Diversity of the Forest Ecosystem. The informative indicators of Criterion 2 are the degrees of the tree crown defoliation and the composition parameters of atmospheric deposition, soils, and dominant tree plant photosynthetic organs. The assessment of Criterion 4 is carried out on the basis of biodiversity items, including forest distribution by age and species composition, sets of forest community major groups (groups of forest types) and their quantitative representation in the area, number of tree and shrub species found in the forests, and species richness and species saturation. An attempt has been made to show whether the network of the permanent observation posts reflects in full measure the forest typological and age structure in Karelia and Karelian Isthmus.

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