
Dravya is a fundamental and inevitable factor to human life. The likenesses of Dravya and human body from its molecular level made it an essential part of Ayurveda. Five basic principles, namely Rasa (taste), Guna (quality), Vipaka (post digestive taste ), Virya (potency), and Prabhava (unexplained effect) collectively known as Rasapanchaka clarifies pharmacodynamics in Ayurveda. Martynia annua Linn is commonly found in dense clumps on roadsides, degraded moist and dry deciduous forest, waste lands, and throughout India. In folk medicine, decoction of whole plant is administered in patients with pneumonia and cold fever. The leaves of the plant are consumed in times of scarcity and also given in case of epilepsy, and its juice is gargled for sore throat. The fruits are used for the treatment of asthma; the seeds are applied locally for itching and eczema. The roots are boiled with milk and taken as a tonic, and they are made into a poultice and applied in case of snake bite. In tribal pockets of Satpura Plateau in Madhya Pradesh, root paste of M. annua Linn is used in folk medicine to treat cancer and rheumatism, but to accept it in current clinical practice, it is essential to recognize the basic Rasapanchaka of the drug. By knowing the pharmacodynamics, the physician safely prescribes the drug on apt conditions. In this study, Rasapanchaka of M. annua Linn plant root was found with the help of healthy volunteers. Study results revealed Kashaya and Madhura are the Rasa and Anuras of the drug and Ushna and Snigdha are the chief Guna. It is an Ushna Virya drug and its Vipaka is Katu.

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