
Remote sensing techniques are capable of identifying a particular crop as well as monitoring its growing stages, crop vigor, and biomass. Due to the increasing demand for food staples, potato cultivation in Bangladesh has increased substantially over the last decade. A study was carried out in the Munshiganj area, the main potato-producing district in Bangladesh, to assess the growth of potatoes by modeling its important life metrics. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf Area Index (LAI) products were extracted from MODIS Surface Reflectance Eight-Day L3 Global 500 m data from November 25, 2005 to March 6, 2006. NDVI and LAI were extracted for 50 selected fields in the study area and used to construct potato phenological curves. Twenty-two life metrics were derived for potato from the phenological curves. The first 12 metrics are the basic life metrics of potato and the others are supplementary. Results showed a significant amplitude and distinct response period of these vegetation indices. Based on the phenological curves, the spatial distribution of potato growth was estimated for the study area for both NDVI and LAI. The effect of temperature on crop phenology was examined during the potato growing season. It was found that significant growth occurred when the temperature was relatively low. This study demonstrates that remote sensing data can be effectively used to study potato growth in Bangladesh.

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