
Adequate anticoagulation, measured using activated clotting time (ACT), is important during vascular and cardiac surgeries. Unfractionated heparin is the most common anticoagulant used. The purpose of this analysis was to compare the i-STAT ACT (iACT) to the Hemochron ACT (hACT), both of which were then compared to anti-factor Xa (anti-Xa) assay, a representation of heparin level and activity. Prospective study. Tertiary care cardiovascular center. Eleven consecutive elective adult cardiac surgical patients. Prior to cardiopulmonary bypass, ACTs were measured using i-STAT and Hemochron technologies and compared to each other and to anti-Xa assay prior to and during a cumulative administration of heparin. Data were compared using bias analyses. Heparin (300 U/kg) was administered in quarterly doses. Coagulation labs were collected prior to and 3 minutes after each quarterly dose of heparin. The baseline ACTs for i-STAT and Hemochron were 147 and 142 seconds, respectively. A significant association was found between iACT and hACT (p = 0.002). The iACT measurements underestimated hACT at ACT levels >180 seconds or anti-Xa levels >0.75 U/mL. No significant difference was found between ACT data at anti-Xa levels <0.5 U/mL. There was a good association between the iACT and hACT; however, the 2 tests are not equivalent. Overall, the iACT underestimated the hACT. Agreement between the ACT technologies was good at lower ACTs and anti-Xa levels, but declined with an anti-Xa >0.75 U/mL.

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