
Indiscriminate disposal of wastes on landfills has led to increase in heavy metal contamination in landfill soils. However, the ability of the indigenous microorganisms to remediate the polluted environment can be of great influence in reclamation of such soils. The objectives of this study were to assess the bioremediation potential of the screened indigenous bacteria and evaluate the effects of carbon source and pH in the enhancement of the bioremediation process. Bacterial isolates from landfill sites were screened for their capability to utilize heavy metal (Cd and Pb). Nutrient Agar was supplemented with five different concentrations of each metal (25 to 600 mgL-1). Viable counts of the isolates were taken four times at two days interval. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella edwardsii and Enterobacter cloacae were selected based on their tolerance to heavy metal for remediation process. Peptone broth was also supplemented using different concentrations of heavy metals. The remediation process was assessed by monitoring the growth of biomass using UV spectrophotometer at 600nm and the residual heavy metal was evaluated after 8days of incubation using AAS. Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibited the highest bioremediation potential among the bacterial isolates with 58.80 and 33.67 remediation percentage in 50mg Cd L-1 and 300mg Pb L-1 . However, higher remediation percentage (79.87 and 92.41) was observed by Klebsiella edwardsii through addition of carbon source (5g/L) and varying the pH (6) of the media in the heavy metal contaminated medium. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of the indigenous bacteria in remediation process can be enhanced through the addition of carbon source and increase pH for effective reclamation of contaminated soil.

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