
This study was performed to understand the impact of groundwater quality on the crop yields and its suitability for the irrigation. The hydrogeochemical assessment indicates chemical weathering is prevalent in the aquifer system. Low sodium-hazard observed in almost all samples. High salinity-hazard observed in the shallow aquifer indicates leaching of contaminants from the surface. Salinity-hazard statistics indicates ∼27.60% groundwater suitable for irrigation, ∼47.65% groundwater considerable for irrigation of selected crops whose salinity tolerance limit is high, ∼13.44% groundwater (fresh-brackish) cause problem in the soil and ∼11.31% groundwater unsuitable for the irrigation.Salinity tolerance limit indicates yield (%) of the few crops remain unaffected. These crops are Hordeum vulgare (Barley), Gossy pium (Cotton), Beta vulgaris (Sugar-beet), Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda-grass), Thinopyrum ponticum (tall Wheat-grass), Thinopyrum intermedium (Wheat-grass) etc. The yield potential (%) partially affected in the few crops like Arachis hypogaea (Groundnut) (∼95.30%), Oryza sativa (Rice) (∼93.29%), Carthamus tintorius (Safflower) (∼97.32%), Sorghum bicolor (Sorghum) (∼95.97%), Glycine max (Soybean) (∼97.32%), Triticum aestivum (Wheat) (∼99.33%), Brassica oleracea var. italica (Broccoli) (∼92.62%), Cucumis sativus (Cucumber) (∼90.60%), Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato) (∼90.60%), Phalaris aquatic (Harding-grass) (∼97.96%), Lolium perenne (Perennial ray-grass) (∼97.99%), Sorghum drummondii (Sudan-grass) (∼92.62%), Festuca arundinacea (tall-Fescue) (∼95.30%), Lotus corniculatus (Trefoil-small) (∼97.32%), Phoenix dactylifera (Date-palm) (∼95.97%), Ficus carica (Fig) (∼95.97%), Olea europaea (Olive) (∼95.97%), Punica granatum (Pomegranate) (∼91.28%) etc. Few crops sensitive to salinity-hazard indicate low-yield potential listed as Phaseolus vulgaris (Bean) (∼36.91%), Daucus carota (Carrot) (∼36.91%), Fragaria ananassa (Strawberry) (∼36.91%). This groundwater is suitable for the irrigation of crops like Barley, Cotton, Sugar-beet, Wheat, Wheat-grass, Bermuda-grass, etc. But this groundwater can be used for irrigation after salinity management for the crops like Groundnut, Rice, Soybean, Broccoli, Cucumber, Tomato, Harding-grass, tall Fescue, Trefoil-small, Date-palm, Fig, Olive, and Pomegranate. The similar range of the crop yields observed in both Soil Water Salinity (SWS) Model and Ayers and Westcot Model, if the salinity of the irrigation water is low (≤1.5 mS/cm). While low reduction in crop yields observed according to SWS Model in comparisons to Ayers and Westcot Model if the salinity of the irrigation water is high (>1.5 mS/cm). The major reduction in crop yields observed in Ayers and Westcot Model, while the moderate decline in crop yields observed in SWS Model at higher salinity. Crop yield in the study area can be improved by implementing proper irrigation water management.

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