
Certification provides a way to demonstrate the positive impacts of sustainable forest management (SFM) on ecosystem services. Ecosystem services provide society with a wide range of benefits, from clean water and carbon sequestration to the production of wood and non-wood products. This study evaluates forest owners’ and managers’ perceptions of forest certification as a tool to support SFM and forest ecosystem services in Slovakia. The questionnaire survey focused on the understanding of the concept of SFM, the objectives of forest certification schemes, and especially on the examination of the perceptions of 288 PEFC- and FSC-certified forest owners and managers on how forest certification helps to support individual ecosystem services. Among the important factors influencing the level of understanding of forest certification and its role in ensuring forest ecosystem services is the size of the managed forest area and the implemented certification scheme. The results of this study indicate that forest certification is positively perceived as a supporting tool for ecosystem services, and certified forest owners are sufficiently aware of the objectives of SFM. Regardless of the size of the managed forest area and the type of the implemented certification scheme, forest certification is mainly perceived as a tool which improves the company image and represents a commitment to environmental responsibility while promoting SFM. Certified companies managing large forest areas see the role of certification as being more significant in ensuring selected ecosystem services, in particular, the provision of woody biomass and water. However, in general, forest certification is mainly perceived as a supporting tool for the ecosystem services related to the control of erosion, soil formation, and natural composition, as well as the function of species and ecosystem diversity, followed by the provision of aesthetic, scientific, and educational values.

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