
It is known that Ethiopia has been working to join countries of middle-income economy in the coming decades. Having this in mind, participating youth entrepreneurs in the economy play a great role. Since the general objective of the study is to assess factors affecting youth intention towards entrepreneurship in south Gondar zone selected woredas.The study employed explanatory research design and both qualitative and quantitative type of data was used for the purpose of the study. To collect primary data, structured questionnaire was designed and collected through based on the random selection by using lottery method. Structured questionnaires were distributed to 398 customers, only 329 complete responses were returned from the customers. The SPSS version 20 was use as a tool to process the primary data which is collected through questionnaire. The result of the study indicated that, Only 27.8% of the variation of dependent variable (youth entrepreneurial intention) can be explained by the five independent variables (Social norm, Perceived access for finance, Perceived government policy, entrepreneurial education & family background).The overall regression model for these five predictors has significantly explained the variation on youth’s entrepreneurial intention. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher gives some recommendations includes significant difference in entrepreneurial intention was found between youths of business family background and non business family background. Non business family background students have lower entrepreneurial intention than business family background students. Therefore, Specific intervention program such as seminars and experience sharing program should be done to improve entrepreneurial intention among non business family students. Keywords : youth intention, Entrepreneurship Education, Perceived Access to finance, Family background, Perceived Government policy & social norm DOI : 10.7176/JESD/10-17-02 Publication date :September 30 th 2019


  • Entrepreneurship has been considered as engine of economic progress and job creation and it contributes to economic development in developing countries (Hurry, 2007)

  • Correlation Analysis between factors and Entrepreneurial intention This study was to analyze whether there exist significant relationships between independent variable i.e. and the dependent variable i.e

  • According to the above table, R Square value for this model is 0.278. This means that only 27.8% of the variation of dependent variable can be explained by the fife independent variables (Social norm, Perceived access for finance, Perceived government policy, entrepreneurial education & family background) www.iiste.org

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Entrepreneurship has been considered as engine of economic progress and job creation and it contributes to economic development in developing countries (Hurry, 2007). It is known that Ethiopia has been working to join countries of middle-income economy in the coming decades In this process, the problem of young unemployment is gaining series attention in the country (Guarcello et al,2008).the government of Ethiopia gives due emphasis to employment creation by formulating different policies and strategies. Entrepreneurship has been considered as a possible solution to address poverty in developing countries in Ethiopia It is a means of cope up with unemployment problems by providing new job opportunities, and it is seen as an engine of economic progress and job creation. The focus of this study was to analyze which factor affecting youth intention towards entrepreneurship in south Gondar zone at selected districts; descriptive research design is appropriate as it enabled the researcher to generalize the findings to a large population.

Libo kemekem
Summary of Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis
Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion
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