
Hematological variances were seen in Ctenopharyngodon idella when exposed to (LC50 and LC85) copper, chromium, and lead concentration groups. The metal-exposed blood samples after collection were analyzed for comparative analysis of hematological alterations in the reference and treated groups at the different exposure hours. A significant reduction (p < 0.05) in hemoglobin, RBC, hematocrit, total leucocyte, and lymphocyte counts was observed with the increase in metal concentrations, whereas a significant incline (p < 0.05) in granulocyte and monocyte counts was observed with the administered doses of selected toxic metals as compared with the values obtained from the reference group. More pronounced changes in hematological indices both for the red and white blood cells were noticed at the highest dose of LC85-administered metal groups. The induced hematological changes were independent of the exposed duration pattern. The present investigation has significantly contributed in knowledge assessment of metal toxicity based on inclusive evaluation ofdose-response relationships.

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