
Background: Many chronic diseases are considered age-related. Thestudy reports the existing health conditions of the geriatric populationfrom rural Maharashtra.Aims and Objectives: This cross-sectional study assessed the healthconditions of the geriatric population in a rural area of WesternMaharashtra and associated them with their sociodemographic andnutritional parameters.Methodology: 260 participants were assessed by Gerald Jogrest‘Geriatric Health Questionnaire’ and pertinent health issues werecollected from the primary health centre and individual health records.Nutritional assessment was done by MNA (Mini Nutritional Assessment)questionnaire. SPSS version 20 software was used for data analysis.Result: Out of 260, there were 148 (56.9%) male and 112 (43.1%) femaleparticipants and the mean age was 72.11 (±6.59). All forms of functionalliving status were significant associations (p<0.001) with nutritionalstatus. Anaemia was found in 64.16%. Cataract, joint pain, chroniccough, tuberculosis, and varicose veins were prevalent in females,whereas toothache, impaired hearing, hypertension, skin diseases,diabetes, and bladder issues were dominant ones among males. BMI(Body Mass Index) was significantly associated with joint complaints,chronic cough, bowel and bladder problems, and diabetes (p<0.05).Conclusion: The rural geriatric population faces the issue of a doubledilemma. On one hand, there exists a significant nutritional vulnerabilitythat impairs daily living, on the other hand, the association of BMIwith select disease conditions highlights the emerging issue of obesity.

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