
Adoption of innovative agricultural technologies and improved practices leads to maximization of productivity of different crops. In order to analyse the adoption of such technologies by the apple growers in major apple growing regions of Kashmir valley, a study was conducted in three districts selected purposively, having maximum area under apple cultivation. A multistage sampling procedure was adopted for the selection of districts, zones, villages and apple growers. The study used mixed methods, combining focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and a household survey. From the study, it was found that majority of the apple growers from all the three districts were having medium level of adoption in almost all the recommended practices. However, majority of the apple growers (Shopian, 53.46%; Budgam, 46.51% and Baramulla, 50.44%) usually follow scientific methods of pest and disease management. It was also reported that apple growers were unable to overcome nutritional deficiencies in their orchards and lowest adoption was found in this practice. Among all the regions studied, apple growers in district Budgam usually follow traditional cultivation practices; hence hamper both production as well as productivity. So dissemination of scientific technologies needs to be geared up to enhance its adoption at grower's field, thereby increasing productivity of this important fruit.

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