
A comparative study was performed to reveal the impact of several photon-to-dose conversion factors for gamma dose rate calculations when applied to heterogeneous environment in the case of decommission stage of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. The following set of conversion factors were investigated by employing the Monte Carlo N-particle transport (MCNPX) code derived from the recommendations given in ICRP-21, ICRP-74 and ANSI/ANS-6.1.1 standards (1977 and 1991), based on the experiments performed for gamma radiation dose rate measurements inside the deplanting Emergency Core Cooling System tank. MCNPX precise simulation and the benchmark between the conversion coefficients highlighted the impact to the results for the selected case of this investigation. The results revealed that the data from the ANSI/ANS-6.1.1 1991 publication are reliable for various dose and shielding calculations in the case of decontamination of radioactive equipment and similar applications since it showed a statistically satisfied agreement between the simulation results and experimental data. These tendencies suggest that the radiological protection system currently adopted in NPP during the decommissioning stage can be characterised using ANSI/ANS-6.1.1 1991 standards with respect to gamma dosimetry.

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