
During the recent decade and concurrent with massive waves of social, economic, political and cultural changes; organizations too have undergone frequent structural and fundamental changes. Common denominator to all these changes is the ever increasing growth in scientific knowledge. In these instances traditional management cannot control, forecast and manage inner and outer contents of a broad organization. To compromise and cope with these conditions, organizations need a new model. Therefore new organizations are shaping in the current variable environments that are called the learning organizations. Traditionally, it seems that universities (the society of students) are the nearest (most similar) form of a true (natural) learning organization. Based on this, the researchers sought to determine the profile of learner's organization model of the Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. The research results showed that the studied University has a relatively large distance to the model and characteristics of continuous system linked organizational learning model. On the other hand pointing to the great mission of university in educating and training specialist manpower, maintain and promote social health and development of economic and social foundations; becoming coordinated with social, cultural and global transformation is an inevitable necessity for the university. In this context, university needs to develop a program of structural changes for superiority in learning.

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