
Doppler velocities observed by the Rankin Inlet (RKN) PolarDARN radar are assessed with a focus on data in thebeams oriented roughly along the magnetic meridian. Hourly scatter plots for every month are built. They are shown to varywidely, with median values showing very clear magnetic local time variation with maximum magnitude during pre-noon andpre-midnight hours. The histograms contain a significant amount of very small velocity data that dominates at farther ranges andduring the daytime. Near noon data show generally antisunward flows but at large ranges/magnetic latitudes and very close tonoon, sunward flows occur for periods of positive IMF B z . The reverse flows are stronger during spring equinox. The velocity magnitudewas found to depend linearly on the IMF B z and interplanetary electric field. Velocities are often found to be smaller thanthose expected from the statistical convection model of Ruohoniemi and Greenwald –1996.

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