
Background: Gestational diabetes Mellitus is defined as the diabetes diagnosed within the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Gestational Diabete Mellitus is one of the most frequent metabolic diseases during pregnancy. It approximately affects 7% (range:2-18%) of all pregnancies. This clinical condition potentially affects not only negative medical outcomes but also the mental state status with additional adverse consequences on psychological well-being and Quality of Life.
 Objectives: Were to assess the quality of life amongest antenatal mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and to associate the quality of life amongest antenatal mothers with the selected demographic variable.
 Methods: The descriptive research design was used in this study. The convenient Sample (N=30) was used to assess the Quality of Life Scale among antenatal mothers with the Gestational Mothers. The data regarding demographic variables like Age, Income, Occupation, Education and Obstetric Variables like past obstetrical complications, Gravid, Week of Gestation. The result showed that 30 Antenatal Mothers with Gestational Diabetes was participated in this study and they were assessed by Modified Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL – BREF) which includes physical, psychological and social relationships domains are rated on 5points Likert Scale to determine Score.
 Conclusion: The result shows that the level of Quality of Life Scale of Antenatal Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (N=30) 12 of them have Moderate Quality of Life, 11 of them have Adequate Quality of Life and 07 of them have Inadequate Quality of Life. And there is Significant Association of demographic variables of age, except age other demographic and Obstetrical variables are Not Significant and (X2 – 56.16, P = >0.05).

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