
Current silvicultural treatments in beech forests are aimed at achieving thick logs without discoloured hardwood. Therefore intensive thinning is applied already in younger stands with the objective of large-sized trunks at an age of 100 years. However, this approach bears the risk that dead wood structures and broken trees are completely removed from the forest. The impact of three different silvicultural management intensity levels on wood-inhabiting fungi over decades was investigated in a large beech forest (>10,000 ha) in southern Germany in 69 sampling plots: A Intensive Thinning and Logging with high-value trees, B Conservation-Oriented Logging with integration of special structures such as dead wood and broken trees and C Strict Forest Reserves with no logging for 30 years. The analysis of community showed marked differences in the fungus species composition of the three treatments, independent of stand age. The relative frequencies of species between treatments were statistically different. Indicator species for naturalness were more abundant at sites with low silvicultural management intensity. Fomes fomentarius, the most common fungus in virgin forests and strict forest reserves, is almost missing in forests with high-management intensity. The species richness seemed to be lower where intensive thinning was applied (P = 0.051). Species characteristic for coarse woody debris were associated to low management intensity, whereas species with a significant preference for stumps became more frequent with increasing management intensity. A total amount of dead wood higher than 60 m3/ha was found to enable significantly higher numbers of species indicators of naturalness (P = 0.013). In conclusion, when applying intensive silvicultural treatment, the role of dead wood needs to be actively considered in order to maintain the natural biocoenosis of beech forests.

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