
Purpose of the study. Coverage of the problem and formation of recommendations for quality control over the organization and conduct of examination of temporary disability at the present stage.
 Materials and methods of research. In order to highlight the problems of legal assessment of the quality of the organization and conduct an interim examination at the current level, we analyzed the regulations adopted at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, identified gaps and recommendations for adopting orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. quality at the level of health care institutions
 Conclusions. When implementing quality control measures for the organization and examination of temporary disability at the present stage, special attention should be paid to the development of more detailed and specific legislative documents highlighting the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of health care workers, as well as internal orders governing the examination of temporary disability. disability (ETN) and all components of its activities, including the availability of quarterly and annual reports, analysis of morbidity with temporary disability, indicating specific measures to reduce it, etc. Changes in the regulatory framework of external departmental and interagency control over the implementation of ETN dictate the need to adjust already established organizational forms of control at the level of relevant control structures, as well as strengthening internal departmental control over the organization of ETN in health care facilities. requirements at the present stage.

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