
This review aimed to perform a survey about plant parasitic algae, mainly the genus Cephaleuros sp., focusing on the most relevant aspects: morphology, physiology and ecology. Algae of Trentepohliaceae family has six genus, being Cephaleuros sp. of great importance for being parasites of plants and cause orange or ferruginous leaf spots with felt texture, mainly in the basal part of the plants. The morphological characterization of Cephaleuros sp. is frequently performed for identification, but there is a lack of standardization of characters that need to be measured. There is a difficulty in the cultivation of algae in culture medium due to limited nutrition knowledge and its growth physiology. The asexual reproduction of Trentepohliaceae family organisms is by four-flagelate zoospores produced in sporangia. High temperature and humidity are ideal for breaking the envelope membrane of sporangia and release of zoospores in the environment. The management of this pathogen consists of integrating cultural methods with the use of fungicides.

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