
An experiment was conducted involving potted plants of Joanessia princips and Spathodea campanulata in conditions of super saturated soil, and saturated soil of normal wettness. Variations in some histological and biochenical parameters were examined. It was verified that S. campanulata has greater histological plasticity than J. princips and that only S. campanulata can withs tand super saturated conditions. The histological changes of the roots and stems of S. campanulata were notable and probably are associated with the better growth of the species in soils with low concentration of oxygen. The activity of mitogenesis in the cambial cells of the bark was greatest in S. campanulata when planted in super-satured soils. Also observed were numerosis spongy lenticels related to this increased activity. A comparison of the two species in relation to the different treatments verified in levels of alcohol in the roots. Linear regression analysis revealed significant indices between alcohol concentration and histological alterations, the highest levl of alcohol was enconrentered in J. princips.

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