
Preface Owen Cylke, US-Asia Environmental Partnership and Winrock International, USA, Somporn Kamolsiripichaiporn, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand 1. Toward clean shared growth in Asia David P. Angel, Clark University, USA, Michael T. Rock, Hood College, USA Tubagus Feridhanusetyawan, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia Part 1: Framing the Issues David P. Angel and Michael T. Rock 2. Technology and environmental performance: leveraging growth and sustainability George R. Heaton, Jr, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Budy Resosudarmo, Indonesian Government Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology and University of Indonesia 3. Globalisation and the environment in Asia: linkages, impacts and policy implications Daniel Esty, Yale Law School and Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, USA Mari Pangestu and Hadi Soesastro, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia 4. Public policies to promote cleaner shared industrial growth in East Asia Michael T. Rock, Ooi Giok Ling, Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore, and National University of Singapore Victor Kimm, University of Southern California, USA 5. Industrialising cities and the environment in Pacific Asia: toward a policy framework and agenda for action Michael Douglass, University of Hawaii, USA, and Ooi Giok Ling 6. Civil society and the future of environmental governance in Asia Lyuba Zarsky, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development, USA Simon S.C. Tay, National University of Singapore Part 2: Case Studies in Innovation David P. Angel and Michael T. Rock 7. Putting pressure on polluters: Indonesia's PROPER programme. A case study for the Harvard Institute for International Development 1997 Asia Environmental Economics Policy Seminar Shakeb Afsah, International Resources Group, USA Jeffrey R. Vincent, Harvard Institute for International Development, USA 8. Water pollution abatement in Malaysia Jeffrey R. Vincent Rozali bin Mohamed Ali, Asset-Holding Berhad, Malaysia Khalid Abdul Rhaim, Universiti Putra Malaysia 9. Toward more sustainable development: the environment and industrial policy in Taiwan Michael T. Rock 10. Measuring up: toward a common framework for tracking corporate environmental performance Daryl Ditz, Environmental Law Institute, USA Janet Ranganathan, World Resources Institute, USA Postscript Melito Salazar, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Warren Evans, Asian Development Bank, Philippines

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