
Over a century ago, William James proposed that strong emotions represent the perceptual consequences of somato-visceral feedback. Although the strong form of this conception is no longer viable, considerable evidence has accumulated indicating a range of visceral influences on higher neurobehavioural processes. This literature has only recently begun to consolidate, because earlier reports generally remained at the demonstration level, and pathways and mechanisms for such influences were uncertain. Recently, specific effects of visceral feedback have become apparent on cortical activity, cerebral auditory-evoked responses, anxiety, memory and behavioural aspects of immunological sickness. Moreover, considerable progress has been made recently in determining the specific neural pathways and systems underlying these actions, especially the role of noradrenergic projections from the nucleus of the tractus solitarius and the locus coeruleus to the amygdala in memory processes, and to the basal forebrain in the processing of anxiety-related information. The present paper highlights selected recent findings in this area, and outlines relevant structures and pathways involved in the ascending visceral influence on higher neurobehavioural processes.

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