
Blockchain is a distributed digital ledger technology that allows for the immutable and auditable logging of transactions without needing a central authority or centralized database. First introduced in 2008 as the technology behind the digital currency Bitcoin, blockchain has now found use in a wide range of sectors. Modern agriculture supply networks have emerged to accommodate intricate interactions between regional actors and the agricultural environment. Interactions between various participants in the supply chain, including those involved in manufacturing, processing, and delivery. One of the main reasons fraud happens so often in agriculture is the lack of transparency in the supply chain. Businesses that aren’t transparent run the risk of losing money, alienating their customers, and seeing their brands decline in value. To encourage the growth of an efficient and trustworthy trading environment, several fundamental adjustments to the current supply chain architecture are necessary. The potential for blockchain technology to enhance food and agricultural supply chain transparency is well acknowledged. Companies utilize IoT and blockchain to create more equitable, sustainable, and customer-friendly food manufacturing systems. In this current work, a blockchain-based decentralized application (dApp), ‘ASBlock’, is developed for agricultural-based supply chain management. The primary focus of this developed application is to bring transparency and security to all participating users of the application; the users of this application include farmers or producers, suppliers or retailers, hotels, and end users. The performance analysis shows that the average gas utilization of the proposed ASBlock dApp is ∼ 2.8 ⋆ 104. The average smart contract execution time for all use cases is ∼ 112sec.

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