
Herring gull eggs from two locations in Norway, an island situated in the north (Musvær, 69.88° N, 18.55° E) and an island in the southeast (Reiaren, 59.15° N, 10.46° E) of the country, were analyzed for the presence of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists. AhR agonist activity was determined using the dioxin-responsive chemically activated luciferase expression (DR-CALUX) assay to calculate the toxic equivalent quotient (TEQ)CALUX. TEQCALUX ranged from 16 to 401 pg TEQ/g lipid in the samples from the north (n = 11) and between 6 and 360 pg TEQ/g lipid (n = 12) in the southeastern samples. The large variance between the individual samples is postulated to be due to different feeding habits of individual birds. The levels of AhR agonists detected might lead to adverse effects for the developing embryo or to a significant increase of contaminant load for human consumers of eggs.

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