
More than six decades since its inception, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the cusp of a transformative shift. The global perspective on AI has evolved optimistically, as it increasingly permeates every facet of human life. AI is revolutionizing national security strategies and capabilities worldwide, but its impact on the Global South remains a topic of growing significance and concern. Every nation actively seeks to bolster internal security through AI-driven initiatives, including surveillance, cyber security, and autonomous technologies. This review paper delves into AI's role in analyzing vast datasets, uncovering patterns, and identifying security threats and challenges focusing specifically on the Global South. It considers the potential advantages AI offers in enhancing national security capabilities while addressing concerns surrounding its integration. Drawing from existing literature, it presents a comprehensive analysis of AI's prospective future in the cyber and national security domains within these nations. Ultimately, this paper aims to answer whether AI serves as a facilitator in strengthening internal security or poses unforeseen challenges and raises the importance of capacity-building, technology transfer, and international cooperation. It provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of AI in the context of national security in the Global South.

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