
Performance of phyllosoma of thesouthern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)was examined after feeding Artemia-baseddiets. Survival and growth of newly-hatchedlarvae cultured to Stage III were lower(p < 0.05) when fed 0.8 mm Artemia than1.5 mm or 2.5 mm Artemia alone or 1.5 mmArtemia in combination with pieces ofmussel (Mytilus edulis planulatus) gonad.This could not be attributed to deficiencies inthe composition of fatty acids but appeared tobe due to the inability of larvae to capturesufficient appropriate-sized, enrichedArtemia for their nutritional requirements.There was an indication that survival andgrowth were higher between Stages III and Vwhen fed 2.5 mm Artemia than 1.5 mmArtemia alone or in combination with musselpieces. However, Stage VI larvae grew to asimilar size at Stage VIII when fed 1.5 mm or2.5 mm Artemia. Unexpectedly, larvae fedthe combination of 1.5 mm Artemia plusmussel supplement had lower survival than foundpreviously, and generally lower than when fed≥ 1.5 mm Artemia alone. This was despitean apparent nutritional profile (lipid contentand fatty acid composition) of mussel more akinto that of newly-hatched phyllosoma thanenriched Artemia. On the other hand,survival and growth to Stage VIII were higherwhen larvae were fed alginate pelletscontaining Artemia than when fed 1.5 mmor 2.5 mm Artemia alone.

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