
In 1705 there appeared at Paris a work entitled “Histoire générale de l'empire mogol depuis sa fondation, sur les Mémoires portugais de M. Manouchi, Venitien” (4to, pp. 272, also in 12mo, 2 vols.), by Father Fran¸is Catrou, of the Company of Jésus. The narrative breaks off at the end of the war of succession between Aurangzeb and his brothers (1658–9). In 1715 the same writer supplemented the above work by bringing out what he calls a Third Part (4to, pp. 107), inwhich he continues the story to the year 1707 and the battle near Agrah between two sons of Aurangzeb. Besides the Hague editions in 1708 of the French text of 1705, English translations of it appeared in 1708, 1722 (second edition), and 1826 (a new translation); and an Italian version was published at Venice in 1731. Neither in English nor Italian is there any edition of the continuation published by Catrou in 1715.

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