
Micro-concentrator photovoltaics (micro-CPV) consists of the reduction in size of the components of the conventional concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) technology, attaining equally high efficiencies and reducing material costs and manufacturing costs. In this publication we focus on the implementation of high throughput manufacturing methods for the interconnection of solar cells. The goal is to enable large area interconnection of thousands of micro-solar cells with a low cost of 3 €/m 2 . A first prototype was manufactured, interconnecting multiple 1 mm 2 solar cells via directly printing onto the front contact pads. The result is a glass substrate, with a size of 190 × 145 mm 2 , with a fully printed circuit interconnecting 12 rows each containing 11 multijunction solar cells in parallel. The fill factor ( FF ) of the full board is 76% at 214 suns. • High throughput interconnection method for of micro-CPV solar cells on a large area. • Expensive wire bonding is avoided by directly printing onto the contacts of micro-solar cells. • The goal is to enable large area interconnection of thousands of micro-solar cells with a low cost of 3€/m 2 . • 132 1 mm 2 solar cells were interconnected on a glass substrate of 190 × 145mm 2 in dimension. • An overall fill-factor of 76% was achieved for the full board and single cells on the board reached 83% at 200 suns.

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