
This report presents preliminary results on the VLSI design and implementation of a novel and promising algorithm for accurate high-speed Fourier analysis and synthesis. The Arithmetic Fourier Transform is based on the number -theoretic method of Mobius inversion. Its computations proceed in parallel and the individual operations are very simple. Except for a small number of scalings in one stage of the computation, only multiplications by 0, +1, and -1 are required. If the input samples were not quantized and if deal real-number operations were used internally, then the results would be exact. The accuracy of the computation is limited only by the input A/D conversion process, any constraints on the word lengths of internal accumulating registers, and the implementation of the few scaling operations. Motivated by the goal of efficient, effective, high-speed realization of the algorithm in an integrated circuit, we introduce further simplicities by the use of delta modulation to represent the input function in digital form. The result is that only binary (or preferably, ternary) sequences need to be processed in the parallel computations. And the required accumulations can be replaced by up/down counters. The dynamic range of the resulting transformation can be increased by the usemore » of adaptive delta modulation.« less

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