
From exposures of the CDHS detector at the CERN SPS we have obtained 367μ + μ − events in neutrino beams and 73μ + μ + events in an antineutrino beam. The magnitude of a prompt like-sign signal has been controversial in the past and moreover could not be explained by known production mechanisms. A critical discussion of the experimental situation is given. We have tried to reduce the systematic uncertainties of previous experiments and to get more information on the dependence of the signal with energy and the muon momentum cut-off. This experiment yields a signal of 2.8σ (2.4σ) of prompt like-sign dimuon events in the case of neutrinos (antineutrinos). The rate to charged current events is of the order of 10−4 forp μ<9GeV andE>100 GeV. The prompt signal has all the properties expected from the production and decay of charm-anticharm events. The magnitude, however, is substantially higher then the prediction of perturbative QCD but lower than some other experiments.

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