
The aim of this study was to identify the microorganisms involved in 13C-glucose assimilation and to estimate their variations in response to different fertilization regimes. In a 48 h laboratory incubation, glucose was supplied to paddy soils subjected to application of inorganic fertilizer alone (NPK) or application of combination of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure (NPKM) for 3 years. CO2 production and microbial growth responses to glucose addition were monitored during 52 h flooded incubation. Bacterial and fungal populations involved in 13C-glucose assimilation were identified by using DNA stable isotope probing approach (DNA-SIP) combined with high-throughput sequencing at 48 h after 13C-glucose addition. Bacteria were initially more active at utilizing the exogenous glucose added into the soil than fungi. One hundred and twenty-nine bacterial OTUs related to glucose assimilation were found in the NPK-treated soil, being more abundant than 59 in NPKM-treated soils. Moreover, 10 and 11 glucose assimilation-related OTUs of fungi were found in the NPK and NPKM-treated soils, respectively. DNA-SIP revealed that bacterial genera containing Clostridium and Bacillus and fungal genera including Fusarium, Cylindrocarpon and Paralomus were the dominant assimilators of glucose. Besides these ubiquitous assimilators in both soils, Paenibacillus and Sporomusa in NPK-treated soil and Azotobacter and Nectria in NPKM-treated soil were also found as the dominant assimilators. Under the flooded incubation conditions, the species related to glucose assimilation differed between NPK and NPKM-treated paddy soils for both bacteria and fungi. These results could be helpful for improving the mechanistic understanding of LMWOS cycling processes and enhance our understanding of the major microorganisms involved in glucose assimilation in paddy soils under short-term fertilization regimes.

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