
ALTHOUGH a considerable period of time has elapsed since the Government of India, soon after the discovery of Mohenjodaro and Harappa, decided to allow duly accredited archæological expeditions from outside Indiato explore Indian archaeological sites, little advantage, unfortunately, has been taken of the opportunity. Two American expeditions and one Belgian have visited India, of which the American expedition to the Salt Hills under Dr. H. de Terra, in a series of investigations extending over several years, has produced much valuable palæontological and archæological material. The excavations at Mohenjodaro for the Archæological Survey were conducted by Dr. E. Mackay, who has since been in charge of further investigations in the Indus valley ; but although Dr. Mackay may beregarded as a British excavator, no British expedition has been sent out. This neglect of opportunity is the more to be deplored in view of the evident importance of India for understanding of early cultural development in the Near and Middle East. India itself is now to make an effort to repair this neglect by the inauguration of a “Panjab Exploration Fund”, on behalf of which an appeal is issued by Diwan Chaman Lall, president ; Prof. E. Dickinson, acting president ; and Dr. C. L. Fabri, field director. Funds have been collected in India to begin excavation in the coming autumn on the ancient city site of Surkanwali Ali, near Bhera on the Jhelum, where trial excavations have been made recently by the field director of the Fund. These have revealed the existence of at least five superimposed cities, dating from the Moghul period to pre-Buddhist times. The Fund has the support of the principal scholars and notabilities of the Panjab. A considerable sum is required to place the Fund on a permanent basis ; and if a sufficient amount can be raised, it is proposed alsoto found an ethnographical and archæological museum, for which nucleus collections are already in hand. Contributions should be addressed to the “Panjab Exploration Fund”, Imperial Bank, Lahore, or to the London Branch of the Bank, 25 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2.

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