
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1. Ann Laura Stoler, Along the Archival Grain: Epistemic Anxieties and Colonial Common Sense (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009). 2. Jorge Luis Borges, in Labyrinth ed. Donald A. Yates and James E. Irby (New York: Modern Library, 1962) and “On Exactitude in Science,” in Collected Fictions (New York: Penguin, 1999), 325. 3. Giorgio Agamben, Signatura rerum: sur la méthode (Paris: Librairie Philosphique J. Vrin, 2008), 16; Michel Foucault, Surveilller et punir (Paris: Gallimard, 1975), 206–7. Additional informationNotes on contributorsAnn Laura StolerAnn Laura Stoler is Willy Brandt Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology and Historical Studies at The New School for Social Research. Her books include Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault's History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995); Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002, 2010) and the edited volume Haunted by Empire: Geographies of Intimacy in North American History (Durham: Duke University Press, 2006)

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