
Part 1 1800-1850: romantic classicism around 1800 the doctrine of J.-N.-L. Durand and its application in Northern Europe France and the rest of the continent Great Britain the New World the picturesque and the gothic revival building with iron and glass 1790-1855. Part 2 1850-1900: second empire Paris, United Italy, and imperial and royal Vienna second empire and cognate modes elsewhere high Victorian gothic in England later neo-gothic outside England Norman Shaw and his contemporaries H.H. Richardson and McKim, Mean and White the rise of commercial architecture in England and America the development of the detached house in England and America from 1800 to 1900. Part 3 1890-1955: the beginnings of the Art Nouveau - Victor Horta the spread of the Art Nouveau - the work of C.R. Mackintosh and Antoni Gaudi modern architects of the first generation in France - Auguste Perret and Tony Garnier Frank Lloyd Wright and his California contemporaries Peter Behrens and other German architects the first generation in Austria, Holland and Scandinavia the early work of the second generation - Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Rietveld and Oud later work of the leaders of the second generation architecture called traditional in the 20th century architecture at the mid century.

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