
conservation biology. Noss indicated in the discussion that the overall response to his comments was even more copious than the excellent selection of published letters. My mother, Marjorie Carr, my siblings, and I were honored to see my father, Archie Carr-along with his good friend and contemporary, E. O. Wilson-referred to as the type of scientist whose passing is lamented. I am certain that Archie would be reassured by the sentiments you received from across the country that biology, as he used to say, and natural history are not themes that we are willing to see dwindle from the repertoire of modern conservation science and practice. There are a few observations-my inadequate gleanings and interpretations of Archie Carr's thoughts-that I might add to the dialogue that you have begun. Let me confirm that the general issue, the apparent out-dating of the naturalist, pained my father. The quote of his, cited by Bowen and Bass, You can't get a job in zoology being the kind of biologist I was anymore, was perhaps frank, and good advice; but it was utter bravery for Archie to say it. It was an unpleasant admission. He explained to me that the trend at his own institution, the Department of Zoology at the University of Florida (UF), was from whole-animal biology to molecular biology. It was happening concurrently with a demand for exotic quantitative procedures. There was a local circumstance at Florida that may have contributed to his perception of a changing time. It happens that the UF is home to a major medical teaching and research facility, the J. Hillis Miller Health Center. As the Center grew, the student body at Zoology became heavily populated with pre-med students. These highly focused individuals had little time to indulge in

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