
Survey, documentation, and excavation projects carried out at Aphrodisias between 2002 and 2005 concentrated on the study of the North Agora, the Bouleuterion, the Sebasterion, the Civil Basilica, the Stadium, and the City Wall. Research outside the city consisted of limited excavation northeast of the City Wall. Site conservation focused on the Bouleuterion, the Temple of Aphrodite, the South Agora, and the Stadium. Sculpture conservation projects included continued work on the reliefs from the Sebasteion and the reconservation and reinstallation of a portrait statue from the Theater formerly (and wrongly) identified as Demos. Important new sculptural discoveries include a statue of Livia assembled from fragments in depots. Newly excavated finds include sarcophagi, a high-quality portrait of Tiberius, and a remarkable portrait of a bearded young man of the Late Antonine period.

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